- если
This term is useful, however, as long as the complexities involved are kept in mind.
•Once the surface of normal velocity has been obtained, the wave front may be easily constructed.
•The exact structure, providing (or provided) it is known, is given in a schematic representation.
•The coke recovered in this operation is of electrode grade if produced from low-ash content feedstock.
•All these jugs are housed in wooden boxes to catch fragments in the event that atmospheric pressure shatters the glass.
•Such materials are satisfactory provided (that) they do not form corrosive chlorides.
•Should the presence of cast iron escape the first examination it may then be detected and any adjustment necessary can be made on the spot.
* * *Если -- if; should; providing, provided; in the event, as long as; as, when. При переводе некоторых русских оборотов опускается (см. например, "Если говорить более конкретно", "Если говорить вкратце", "Если не принимать во внимание", "Если не считать этого обстоятельства", "Если подходить к этому вопросу реалистически")If these restrictions are satisfied, bubble-ring cavitation will definitely occur.Should a particular frequency response exhibit significant scatter, it generally reveals the presence of a nonlinearity in the sensing system.The vacuum shell acts as the lateral support for the toroidal field magnets in the event perturbations should develop in the toroidal fields from a fault condition.It can be shown that the minimum of W occurs at a value of rc greater than п as long as t0 ® Ґ.—если смотреть на
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика. 2013.